

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Peeking in to say Hi!

Hi everyone! I am still on blogging vacation but I did have a few minutes this evening to steal a couple pictures from my daughter’s FB page to share with you. We have had a couple of rough days in the nursing department….as my DD says, “Why is something that is supposed to be NATURAL so darn difficult?” Good question! But she is persevering….we’ll see what this week brings.

Here are a couple of baby pictures to give you a smile:

All dressed up to come home from the hospital:

Cassidy all dressed up

Check out the SHOES:

Cassidy and her shoes

And we OBVIOUSLY do NOT like the car seat (this is the funniest picture I have ever seen!)":

Cassidy going home-1

A much more calm baby after her bath:

Cassidy bathtime-1

Thanks for indulging me….I am enjoying my first week being a grandmother! Even though my stamp table is gathering dust, I will be there this week getting ready for my Christmas card stamp camp, but I’ll save posting until after I come back! MISS EVERYONE!


  1. Awwww, so sweet, L! I had troubles with nursing, too, and almost gave up after the first week (I ended up at nearly a full year by just doing it for "one more week.") Congratulations to you and your lovely family!

  2. Oh Leanne, she is absolutely beautiful! such gorgeous photos, she is soooo cute! love the car seat-screamer one lol!
    take care

  3. Congrats Leanne! She is GORGEOUS!!!

  4. Children (Grandchildren) truly are a gift from God. She is beautiful, enjoy! My kids (now 23 & 21) always had faces just like that, when in a car seat :) Taking them for a ride to calm them down, when fussy, was not an option :(

  5. Oh LeAnne, she is so beautiful!!! I am so happy for you & your family! God bless you always!!

  6. How beautiful!!! There is nothing in this world that compares to being a grandmother! Cherish every moment you have with her! Blessings on the whole family!

  7. What a teeny little angel! I am SUPER happy for you, LeAnne! Enjoy every moment of your new status as grandma.

  8. Love the photo of the masculine hands holding the satisfied baby-neat photo and thanks for sharing-enjoy your off time.

  9. Oh, Leeann, she is BEAUTIFUL!

    I hear your DD on the nursing thing. There is NOTHING natural about doing it, lol! I persevered and have had beautiful nursing relationships with all three of my girlies. Tell her to hang in there!


  10. How precious! Those are the cutest pictures thanks for sharing!

  11. So precious. The dust will still be there when you get back to stamping. These first moments of the granddaughters life can only be enjoyed now. (Grandmother of 12, Great Grandmother of 2)

  12. Congratulations to your whole family. So glad you are able to be with that precious bundle of joy(most of the time).

  13. LeAnne -I am a bit behind on blogging myself-congrats on the birth of your granddaughter-welcome to the grandma club-it's the best one to belong to
    love all the photos -she is such a cutie

  14. Thanks for sharing...she's SO CUTE!!! Daddy looks like he's in love.

    Tell you daughter to be strong. A lot of us have been there before and wanted to give up, but didn't. In the end she'll be so proud of herself that she did it!

    Enjoy it Grandma! We miss you too!

  15. What great pics LeAnne - she is so cute!! Thanks for sharing them!

  16. Adorable pictures! Congrats on being a Grandma! I've been Grammy for 2.5 years tomorrow, and it's the BEST! My little granddaughters are 2.5 and 13 months and I have another one (from another daughter) due in March! It's the BEST!

    As far as the nursing goes, having your DD contact La Leche League - they're the experts! And those lactation consultants are great too! It's worth the trouble at first to have that wonderful nursing couple relationship!

    Susan, aka Soozie4Him on SCS
    moot96 AT aol DOT com

  17. Oh my goodness! She's beautiful! LOVE these pics---that carseat one is AMAZING----so, so funny. I could just hear the screams when I saw it! Thanks for sharing your life with us!

  18. She is beautiful you are truly blessed. I can almost smell the new baby smell from those pictures! Thanks for sharing. ~Diane

  19. How blessed you are LeAnne! a beautiful granddaughter! thanks for sharing these wonderful pics! Enjoy this precious new life!!

  20. Love all the pictures, LeAnne. She is adorable! The car seat picture gave me a good chuckle. Thanks for sharing your beautiful blessing with us!

  21. This cracks me up, after reading your lovely comment TY, I had to come visit.
    I'm reading your Header "Come see what I've been doing in my craft room" Scrolling down...and the first pic I see...a Beautiful new baby!
    Wow! Leanne came up with the most realist baby Punch Art I've ever seen! HEHE Congratulations on your new grand Grand Daughter will be here soon also.

  22. She is GORGEOUS! Congratulation, Grandmother! Thank you so much for sharing the pics!

  23. Absolutely Adorable... LOVE her eyes...

  24. thanks so much for sharing your family with us! Congrats gramma ~ I am a gramma of two boys ( 10 & almost 2) another one on the way in October! God's blessings to you and your darling granddaughter! and the rest of the family ~ blessings, Denise

  25. Oh LeAnne! She is just so precious! I am looking forward to lots more pictures! Enjoy the rest of your time off! Miss you!

  26. A big Congratulations to you and your family LeAnne! She is an absolute darling! The one on the car seat is soo cute! :))


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