

Tuesday, August 3, 2010



It’s Tuesday, and that means it’s ColourQ!  Today Arielle has given us this sweet little dress as our inspiration:


I used the Card Patterns Sketch 75:

card patterns sketch75

and pulled out several sets to make my interpretation of this colorful fabric, and I even went “green”:


What’s green, you ask?  The polka-dotted panel is a piece of cardstock from a Christmas card I received last year.  It was so cute, I saved it and while looking through my stash, I thought it would be fun to use it on this card.  The So Saffron card base was stamped with the Houndstooth backgrounder from CHF; the Pure Poppy panel was stamped with the vine from Vintage Vogue, and the main panel was stamped with Versamark and heat embossed with Black Detail embossing powder, then colored with Bashful Blue ink.  I distressed the edges, added some sweet little eyelet and a big ole’ flower from SU.  The foam flower is from Hero Arts and the Antique brad is from SU.  The little “hello” is from Teeny Tiny Wishes and it attached with a little library clip.  Lots of interesting things going on here… let’s see what you can do with these colors.  Hop on over to the ColourQ blog to see what the other designers have whipped up and play with us too!!!  Can’t wait to see your creations!

  • Stamps:  Friends 24-7, Teeny Tiny Wishes, Vintage Vogue, Houndstooth BG, CHF
  • Paper:  So Saffron, Basic Black, Bashful Blue, Pure Poppy, WW, recycled greeting card
  • Ink:  Bashful Blue, Riding Hood Red, Versamark, So Saffron
  • Acc:  Black EP, Eyelet Ribbon (ret SU), Paper flower, felt flower, Antique Brad, Dauber, Word Window Punch, Library clip, dimensionals


  1. Very interesting. I love all that is going on.

  2. Very pretty! The crochet trim looks so pretty, and I love how you placed it behind the flower!

  3. These colors were tough...but you always seem to pull it off!

  4. yummy colors I will have to come back later to play!!!

  5. LOVE that bird image and the brad in your FAB flower!!!

  6. This is so beautiful! There are so many little details, a girl could miss them at first glance.

  7. Excellent - love your interpretation of the fabric!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!