

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Color Throwdown 106


Oh, I am just loving the colors that our hostess, Danielle, chose today! They are right up my alley! What do you think?

swatch 106

I pulled out some beachy stamp sets that I haven’t used all summer….gotta use ‘em quick, as summer will be gone before we know it!!! I used Impression Obsession’s Nautical and Crafty Secret’s Seaside sets for my collage-style card today:


I also used the Fall to Layout #103, shown here:


I stamped random images on the Soft Sky panel with Soft Sky ink, then did the starfish and sentiment with Memento Cocoa Brown. The cheesecloth background is from CHF, stamped in Crumb Cake. I just LOVE that effect!

DSCF8842-1 And how do you like this snazzy knot? My CTD teammate Barbara has done these several times on her cards, and I actually remembered to look up her tutorial HERE so that I could do one too. It was very easy; her directions are perfect! I thought it added a nice nautical touch to my card. The knot is layered on a piece of Certainly Celery wide grosgrain ribbon; that’s where I snuck in that challenge color!!! I have left the inside blank so I can add my sentiment when I need a special card!

So now let’s see what you can create with these soft, subtle colors! Splash on over to the CTD blog to get all the details and to link your card so we can all see it. Remember, you don’t need to use these exact colors, but we do want something close and we appreciate a shout out on your blog! Now here are links to all our designers:

  • Stamps: Cheesecloth, CHF; Nautical, Impression Obsession; Seaside, Crafty Secrets
  • Paper: Crumb Cake, Chocolate Chip, Soft Sky
  • Ink: Soft Sky, Crumb Cake, Cocoa Brown, Memento
  • Acc: Twine, Ticket Corner Punch, Pearls, Daubers, Cert Celey Grosgrain, Dimensionals


  1. Gorgeous colours and a gorgeous card too!
    take care

  2. gorgeous the knot!! thanks for the tutorial!!

  3. Oh, I love these colors, and I love the double stamping on the main image! The nautical knot adds the perfect touch for the theme you were going for! Great card!

  4. Beautiful! I see we thought alike with the beachy images! I love the cheesecloth background, the collage stamping and that great sailor's knot!!

  5. Holy cow this card rocks!!! I swear, you did it again. For whatever reason I was thinking about that background stamp just last night...because I loved it the last time you used it...and regretted not commenting on it. I will now...that background stamp is awesome! That know it pretty wicked cool too.

  6. This is just beautiful...from the perfect cheesecloth background to the beautiful focal images and my favorite touch, the knot!!! PERFECT PERFECT! Heading over to check out the tutorial! Lovely design!

  7. Stunning is the perfect word for this card - I NEED that background stamp!!
    Congratulations on your beautiful grand-daughter!! xxx

  8. Gorgeous card with these colors LeAnne, and LOVE the Sailor's Knot! It's the perfect finishing touch!

  9. Pretty card - love the knot. Great job.

  10. Wowie Zowie! That nautical know adds such zing to this card. What a great color combo!
    {Congrats to you and your newly expanded family.}

  11. Gorgeous card, LeAnne! Love the nautical theme--great job on the knot--I'm glad my tutorial helped!

  12. Gorgeous card LeAnne, love the knot! And CONGRATULATIONS on your new Granddaughter! She's beautiful!

  13. Oooh, these colors are very pretty...right up my alley as well! Love you cool! I'll have to look that one up! And I love the bg stamp...I have that one and always loved it! Great card!

  14. Amazing card Leeann! I'm so glad I went to your blog to see all the pretty closeups. Just beautiful.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!