

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Little Green Apples…


“God didn’t make little green apples”….if you’re of a certain age, you might remember that Bobby Goldsboro song!  I had no idea what in the world he was singing about, but I liked the tune!  And while I was making this card, that song just kept running through my head! There were three challenges that could fit my little green apple theme:


and here is my card:


Now truthfully, I don’t know what this card is supposed to be “saying” by having the progression of bitten-into apples…..”I am bored while I am missing you, so I am eating an apple”???  I have no idea what my thought process was, but I did think it was a cute idea, so I am just going with the flow here.  I used some Wild Wasabi, Garden Green and Confetti White cardstock along with some Basic Grey Urban Prairie (I think—it was a loose sheet floating around).  The apple punch is from MS, and I sponged some color on my apples and used a SU gel pen for the “bites”, which are punched with SU’s scallop oval punch.  The little apple is from CHF, Making the Grade.  I LOVE this sketch but did struggle with it….overthinking, I guess! 

Well, that’s it for today….gearing up for the holiday weekend, boating, visiting friends…..a fun time!!  Hopefully I can squeeze in something for tomorrow!



  1. This is just adorable with those little green apples! I love the white gel pen accents that really make these apples look real! I remember that song too, and now it will be in my head all day! LOL Like you, I never understood the meaning of that silly song! LOL
    Have a great holiday weekend!

  2. LeAnne, I love how you made your apples...very clever! Have a blessed day!

  3. Great card LeAnne! Have fun on the boat. DH is enjoying his for sure. ~chris

  4. for some reason, I'm drawn to those adorable apples and if I ever start stamping again, I hope that punch is still available.

  5. Cute, cute, and cuter! You are on a roll!

  6. I love this! I never heard the song but what a super cute card!

  7. Absolutely PERFECT!! LOVE this sosoooooo much!! Thank you for playing at CCCB!

  8. Your apples look good enough to eat!!! Just a great looking card, girlie! And yeah, I remember the song ;-)

  9. This is way too cute! And you are too funny! Have a great weekend! Thanks for joining us here at CCCB!

  10. Super cute! Love the apples with more bites out each frame! :)

  11. love your little green applies, so cute, thanks for joining us at the CCCB

  12. Oh I missed this one. Really how do you keep coming up with all these great idea?? This is so cute.

  13. LeAnne - thanks... now I am going to have little green apples ringing around in my brain all day :-) that aside - I love this card. As for your thought progression... who knows how we get to where we do in our creations... when I figure out the way my brain works.... maybe I'll have an answer for you on that...
    However, I did think that and apple should be shared and because you aren't here I have to eat it alone :-)

  14. I love the apples... great take on the challenges.

  15. Thanks for getting that song in my head!!! I only remember that part, so now I'm going to have to look it up to remember the rest---it will drive me nuts!! HA! Whatever you were thinking on this card doesn't matter because it is GORGEOUS! I really love the way you made the apples disappearing---so darling!

  16. Thanks for getting that song in my head!!! I only remember that part, so now I'm going to have to look it up to remember the rest---it will drive me nuts!! HA! Whatever you were thinking on this card doesn't matter because it is GORGEOUS! I really love the way you made the apples disappearing---so darling!

  17. Wowwwwww, one cutie patootie card after another girl. This is sooooooo stinkin' adorable!!!!

  18. ROFLMBO!!! "I'm bored missing you..." You are too funny! But this card is fabulous! Those apple are so cute!

  19. This is such a delightful card! I love the green and I love those apples! So fun and cute! And a fabulous take on the sketch! :)

  20. wow this card is amazing became a follower.

  21. WOW -- this is just so adorable!!

  22. Guuuurl - you be winnin'! This is such an awesome card - you deserve it!!! BTW - have you finished my entry for Mojo yet - lol!


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