

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

CQC36 Starring Sock Monkey


It’s a highly-discussed topic among my stampers---you either love Sock Monkey or you hate him!!!  I think he’s okay, he doesn’t creep me out or anything, but I have to admit I haven’t used him for a while!  How about you?  Let’s see where he fits into the scheme of things here.  Arielle’s ColourQ challenge this week threw me a bit:


While I LOVE the colors, that little critter WAS creeping me out.  I decided just to block him out of my view and concentrate on the colors themselves, but that little stuffed creature kept coming back to haunt me, so that’s when I decided to  pull out Mr Monkey.  Now, when was the last time you used blender pens and SU’s Watercolor Pencils????  Probably a long time ago, I know it was for me!   I was a little frustrated about how they blended, after not having used them for a while:


I may go over him one more time so he doesn’t look so stripey!  I ran the Sage Shadow panel through my Square Lattice embossing folder after I brayered the folder itself with some Sage Shadow ink; that gave it a little more color and dimension.  The So Saffron brads added a little interest to the corners as well.  The sketch is from Karen’s Sweet Sunday Sketch this week:


So I hope you can play along with all the ColourQ Royal Court!!  You can check their creations out all at once by clicking on the blinkie at the right!  We’d love to see what you come up with!

Now remember to come back tomorrow for a new Color Throwdown challenge!! Oooh, wait until you see what Tammy has for us!


  1. Personally I love sock monkey -- but I confess I don't use him much! My grandmother had sock monkeys in her attic where we kids all slept and they've always represented comfort to me!

  2. Super-cute card, LeAnne!

    The Sock Monkey ... ummm ... not so much. I find the Sock Monkey kinda scary and I'm not sure why.

  3. Oh my this is so sweet and adorable!!

  4. LOL It creeps me out when sock monkey gets paper-pieced to death! That's just wrong! :) This is very cute, LeAnne!

  5. I love the sock monkey set! I still need to add it to my collection!! Great card!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!