

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Quilt Card


I got some new papers to play with, so I thought I would use them to play Becky's challenge as well as the Shabby Tea Room's challenge with my square card!  Here ya go:


Cardstock is Kraft and Very Vanilla; DP is Cosmo Cricket's Material Girl and October Afternoon's Thrift Shop; buttons are from my stash.   I used a scrap of Vellum cardstock on which to stamp the PTI sentiment in craft Chocolate Chip, and I sewed it on with some heavy thread.  It is positioned over a couple circles of cardstock (so the words would show up), and I stamped a little flower on the top circle just for fun!    I just LOVE these colors, I wish there were MORE!!!!  Thanks for visiting today!


  1. I {heart} the combo of the quilt squares with the buttons - so clever and a great design! Thanks for joining us again in the Tea Room this week. I hope you can come back again on Monday to give our next challenge a try too :)

  2. Great job! Love that patterned paper! Thanks for playing along with us at The Shabby Tea Room! :)

  3. A card after my heart, LeAnne. Quilts and buttons, what a fabulous, fun card!

  4. Just gorgeous LeAnne... love the vellum! I've been wanting that Thrift paper so baaaaad - where did you get it?

  5. Great colors, great design, great buttons - sigh - same-ole-same-ole perfection as always - giggle. Love this card.

  6. I love the colors too! Wonderful card.
    Oh that baby girl is soooooooo sweet. I do have the pictures yet but I will have to post some.

  7. Oh wow, what a great combo of papers and I LOVE how you used the vellum!

  8. Oh, LeAnne, this is absolutely beautiful. I love the quilt look and really need to give one a try. Thanks for the inspiration.

  9. Just beautiful, LeAnne! Love how you used the vellum. A fab-YOU-lous creation!

  10. Very pretty card LeAnne! I mailed your package today! Meant to yesterday but took the boy to the park instead! :) Sorry but I am sure you understand! :)

  11. Love it, LeAnne!! Fabulous colors, patterns, buttons, the vellum is brilliant....I might have to CASE this for my quilting Mom!

  12. What a pretty card! I absolutely love how you did the sentiment. Thanks for playing along with us at The Shabby Tea Room.

  13. Love the way you captured the sentiment for your project. The colors are so wonderful together. Thanks for sharing.

  14. What a fresh look for a quilt card, I really like the space left between the 'quilt blocks'. The colors and sentiment on this are just perfection.

  15. Wow, this is amazing. I love what you did with the vellum and sentiment!

  16. Great job with the buttons and the vellum, looks wonderful!


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