

Monday, April 5, 2010

CAS Christmas


Well, my Christmas card Sunday turned into Christmas card Monday!  The CAS challenge today at SCS was to make a card with a sentiment as your only stamped image…no problem!  I am not sure if this really qualifies as a CAS, but it worked for me. 


I used a retired SU set for my sentiment, some BG papers and some punched branches and snowflake….although I think after the glitter dries on my snowflake, I’ll add some bling….it looks a bit naked there!  The sketch I used was from Stampin 411:


I’m going to end here as my spring allergies have kicked in and I am feeling funky….and I have a busy day ahead!  Be sure to stop in tomorrow for the ColourQ challenge—Arielle has chosen a marvelous combo!  Thanks for visiting!


  1. Gorgeous, LeAnne! You are gonna be so ready for Christmas!

  2. This is beautiful Leanne, clean and simple yet sophisticated. Thanks for sharing. ~Diane

  3. Love how those punches bring so much life to this card!!! You are SO smart to work on your holidays cards gradually!!!

  4. Love the softness of this card! Great colors and that dp is wonderful - what is it? ~chris

  5. Great CAS card-like the dp you used. Hear you on the allergies-bad right now and I so need to be outside tidying things up.

  6. what a great sketch and lovely Christmas Card! good for you to get a jump on them!!

  7. What a beautiful Christmas card. It's never too soon...!

  8. Beautiful Christmas card LeAnne! I love the clean and simple layout. Take care of yourself.

  9. LeAnne - so glad you are playing again at the 411! I've missed you! :)
    Great card and I love the snowflakes for that element of the sketch!

  10. Love this card! I'm so jealous that you'll be so ready for Christmas!! Great job :)

  11. I was wondering when I might see the first Christmas card of the year! Isnt it a JOY to make a christmas card when there's no pressure to do so? Awesome! Smiles from ear to ear...

  12. What a great CAS card and way to go on getting ready for Christmas early!! I should start making my cards now too!!! Thanks for playing along with us over at the Stamping 411 Blog this week!!

  13. how did this card! Beautiful! Thanks for playing along with Stamping 411 this week!


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