

Friday, March 12, 2010

For A Friend


For some reason, whenever I use Vintage Vogue, I automatically turn to Bella Bleu paper---I really need to get out of this rut and use a different color or DP!!!  I still love the combo, so when I needed a sympathy card, it was my go-to choice:


And here’s the inside:


I guess I am in a layout rut, too, as this is very similiar to the birthday card I posted a couple days ago! 

Thanks for coming by today….it’s a busy day…my daughter is getting married tomorrow!  Hopefully I’ll have some photos to post!!


  1. This is stunning...even if it is your go-to card, I love it and the colours especially. Your friend will find comfort in it.

    Have fun tomorrow, cannot wait to see all the pictures!

    Lesley :)

  2. Gorgeous card LeAnne. Bella Bleu does look beautiful with the VV set. Best wishes to you, your daughter & whole family for a wonderful day tomorrow. Di :0)

  3. some things just work perfectly together and I love your choice of dp and layout! You card is gorgeous!! Congratulations on your DD's wedding tomorrow!! I look forward to hearing and seeing all about it :)

  4. I need to make a sympathy card today... I'm going to CASE yours - hope that's OK! :) May tomorrow be a wonderful day for you all!

  5. Fabulous, LeAnne! Truly, you do so many different styles so beautifully! Congrats on the upcoming nuptials - all the best to your daughter and her new husband! Looking forward to seeing pictures. Have FUN tomorrow! :)

  6. This is so gorgeous LeAnne! What a wonderful sympathy card for a friend, soothing colours and very classy :)

  7. This is beautiful LeAnne - I love your "rut" that you are in! LOL
    Best wishes to your daughter and your whole family - that is so exciting!!

  8. But I love it. The stamped details are fabulous and that DP is a sure winner everytime.
    I love this card and I am sure the intended will also.

  9. Lovely card, LeAnne! Very calm and soothing. I'm sure your friend will appreciate it!

  10. Beautiful card and I like the layout. Best Wishes to your daughter!

  11. This is so gorgeous! How on earth do you have time to make cards with your daughter getting married tomorrow? You are amazing! Looking forward to some pix of the wedding. ~chris

  12. Love this beauty, LeAnne! I could never get tired of this DP ... or the stamp set!

    Can't believe you have a wedding tomorrow and you're still creating, photographing, and posting! I wanna be jess like you when ... if ... I grow up!

    Have a great weekend, Sweetie!!

  13. Well, I think the layout and colors and papers are gorgeous - even if you have used them before! A beautifully put together card LeAnne

  14. This is beautiful, LeAnne! If this is what you call a rut, then you ought to stay in it!!!

  15. Oh what a beautiful card, LeAnne! Have a great time tomorrow and do not forget to send me pictures of that dress!

  16. This is a beautiful card. Stunning is the best word for it. I love the colors together.

  17. Gorgeous LeAnne! You always amaze me with your creations!

  18. Wonderful-Wonderful Card! The colors are just right. I know it will touch your friend's heart.

    Wishing you a terrific day tomorrow - sending tons of love and well-wishes on this special day.


  19. Love Love LOOOVE the ivory/blue combo! So gorgeous!

  20. This is absolutely beautiful. I think Bella Blue and the Vintage set go perfectly!!

  21. The picture is beautiful, but the card is so much more beautiful in person!! Thank you, LeeAnne, for sending this card to me. I can't tell you how much your thoughts & prayers are appreciated - and knowing that you took time out of your busy, busy schedule to send precious prayers my way. YOU are a blessing & a true friend. Thank you!!!
    Lots of love,


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