

Monday, December 14, 2009

CAS Curves

Today's SCS Challenge was a breeze as I already had this card done but never posted it:


The challenge is to use a curve somewhere on your card.  For this one, I cut a curved template from some scrap paper, saving both pieces.  I stamped the tree from Flourishes using one part of the template as a mask; I then laid the other part of the mask OVER the tree and sponged my snow.  Added some glitter and a sentiment from Cornish Heritage Farms in Rich Razzleberry, and it was done.  This was made for a friend who ordered some Christmas cards from me, and it was my favorite one out of the bunch!  Doesn't that RR look great on Kraft?  I think I may have to use that again!  Thanks for visiting today!



  1. Fantastic!!! I just LOVE this tree image done in white and it looks fabulous on Kraft! I love the curvy snow beneath it! Great card, nice job!! BTW, your beautiful card arrived, TYSM :)

  2. Oh my gosh, this is BEAUTIFUL! LOVE the look of the white on kraft!!

  3. I just did a white on kraft snowflake card (not posted yet) and love that look. The tree stamp is perfect for your card--the curve is just right, too!

  4. It does look great, that is a fab colour, we will not be getting this one here in Oz:( Your card is just so pretty and effective!

  5. That is one gorgeous card. I don't need any more Christmas cards but this would do just as well for a winter birthday, changing the sentiment. TFS.

  6. Wow I love this card LeAnne! It is beautifully done!

  7. You are so right. The RR looks great on Kraft. I think I ordered it on my last order. Now I hope so. I love the way you did the tree and snow. I love white on kraft. Fantastic card LeAnne:).

  8. How pretty! love the white on the Kraft and your shimmery rolling hillside!

  9. I love the rasberry on the kraft and the tree in white. Beautiful. Have a Merry Christmas.

  10. Wow LeAnne! You continuously amaze me! This snow covered pine tree reminds me of the long cold wintry days in Buffalo! :) TFS

  11. Beautiful card LeAnne! Love the white on Kraft with the little hint of shimmer - just beautiful!!


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