

Monday, November 16, 2009

Vera Bradley Christmas

Today's SCS challenge is to use a Vera Bradley pattern as your inspiration.  Vera Bradley bags are VERY popular with all the girls and women at my church, but I have not been "blessed" with owning one....somehow the cost offsets the desire!  But I admire them and love the paisley patterns she offers!  So I used this pattern, Frankly Scarlet,  as my inspiration for my little chickadee Christmas card:


Both the DP and image are from Crafty Secrets; sentiment is from Flourishes.  The DP has been embossed with a CB folder (the name escapes me!) and my image was lightly watercolored.  I am not sure how "clean & simple" this is, but it didn't take me very long! 

My computer's wireless router bit the dust yesterday--at least I am hoping that's what it is, since everything else works fine, so I am running up & down the stairs to the basement to use DH's!!  If anything, I should be in better shape (!!!) by the time I get my computer guy to check it out!  Plus his is MUCH faster than mine!  What a difference...hmmm, maybe it IS my computer.  Just a shout out also to all my stamp club girls who met yesterday for a little party/get-together at my home.  No, of course I didn't take pictures.....too busy feeding my face!  But I will show you a cute little goodie one of my clever stampers gave me:


I know this is not a very good picture, but it is a GIANT chocolate bar, made into a snowman, complete with a black knit cap made from a pair of gloves!  I NEED those gloves!  Isn't he cute?  She is so clever!  Thanks, MaryAnne!






And here is a quick peek at the gift-wrapped packages they received:



I wheeled the brown paper packaging that comes in my SU boxes with Chocolate Chip ink and various wheels, then wrapped them in the wide striped ribbon.  Oops, forgot to show you the tags:




Cut with a Nestie label die using a folded piece of Kraft cardstock.



Hey, the sun is finally shining here in SE PA, so I think I'll hang some laundry on the line!  Thanks for visiting today!


  1. LeAnne, your card is GORGEOUS!!! I love hte DP you've used..and the embossing on it just makes this card.Love the snowman chocolate bar..what a fun idea! But wat really got me today is your thrifty idea with the brown packaging paper and those cool tags!! STUNNING!!! Hugs and blessings, Sabrina

  2. Beautiful card LeAnne & that snowman is so darn cuuute! What a YUMMY surprise inside :) Hanging laundry on the line reminds me of when I used clothe diapers 20 yrs ago & hung them on the line to dry! Oh what a site to see!!!! :) Thanks for the memory!!

  3. Gorgeous card, LeAnne! I'll gladly take a Vera bag in that pattern!

    And OMGosh, that snowman is CUTE! What a neat idea!

  4. Well, LOOK at you, LeAnne! Such a clever girl you are! Goodness! First of all, I'm right there with you on the handbag thing ~ I'd rather have more crafting loot than a pricey bag! But in the meantime, this card could make ANY girl swoon with it's tactile goodness! Wonderful work! Then, THAT SNOWMAN chocolate bar - holy sweet-tooth! I don't know that he'd be needing those gloves long in my world {just glad you didn't photograph CHOCOLATE, again!} Then... my heart can barely take it.... THAT WRAPPING paper is to die for! Not to DYE for, although......! No, seriously! I've seen A LOT of S/U! influence paper - AND I mean A LOT! But that is SUPER! So classy and unexpected in the brown! BUT it works! Martha WHO? LeAnne, baby! She's a CLASS act! Yipeee!

  5. The card absolutely reminds me of a Vera Bradley!! It's gorgeous! I think they're all beautiful too, but so far out of my budget I'll never buy one! I love the brilliant orange color and all the texture! That candy bar is adorable and perhaps you'll need someone to come help you eat it??
    Great idea to wheel the wrapping paper too! What pretty gifts that made!

  6. Oh my - so very Vera! I love those bags and have been fortunate enough to have friends who give me them as gifts occasionally - lucky me! I love how that pattern paper looks embossed! Glad you're getting some sunshine- we have some too, but there's too much snow on the ground to be in the back yard hanging clothes! ~chris

  7. So glad you have some sunshine again. It makes such a huge difference!
    Love the pattern you chose and how you translated that to paper. Your card is stellar.
    The paper that comes in my SU orders is always so wrinkled, I would love to re-use it. Did you iron it out?

  8. Beautiful take on the Vera Bradley's one of my guilty pleasures I must admit. Having worked at a store that has carried it for 10 years I get my 30% discount and all my purses/wallets/etc, are Vera. The discount is probably why I stay on for a few hours a week at a card store when I make my own cards. HA!

  9. Beautiful card! Love your snowman too, how cute and yummy to receive! Your packaging and tags are awesome too! You are so talented girl!


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