

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Serenity Now


Whew, I am running around like a crazy woman today, so I think I need to take a deep breath and quote that line from Seinfeld....."serenity now"...!  LOL!  I haven't had time to stamp yet today, so I am just showing you a couple quick photos of the cards we did for my last Christmas Card Stamp Camp.  Again, I always make these cards kind of simple so that the brains aren't drained too much!


Alas, the card on the left here looks like it has a black panel, but it is really Handsome Hunter!!


Just a hint for using the Patterned Pines stamp set, shown on the right card:  I cut the trees apart into three separate stamps; pulled off the original foam backing and remounted them on EZMount.  Now I can use them on an acrylic block and get a lot more use from them!  Not rocket science, but I used to be afraid to cut up my stamps and do something different!  This way, I could position one tree pointing up and one pointing down on the block--they "nested" together ---and stamp them on one piece of (smaller) cardstock.    Then my customers just cut them out and layered them on the Bravo Burgundy.  I really like this color combo, too!

Well, off to my chores and hopefully some stamping later on!  Thanks for visiting today!


  1. Great cards and what a great idea for the PP set - I have cut up others but not this one yet .... ~chris

  2. Great cards LeAnne! I know what you mean about being afraid to cut your stamps! When you do it by accident the first time and realize it's not ruined you get brave! Love these!!

  3. Great cards and I like the idea of cutting the trees to be separate. I am always afraid to do that also, but this makes alot of sense. Thanks for sharing.

    Linda D.

  4. Great cards LeAnne! I love the Santa tags that make up the panel.....I'm inspired to use my tag punches again now!
    I haven't been brave enough to cut into any stamps yet, but who knows what tomorrow will bring? We've gotta live on the edge sometimes don't we? *wink*

  5. WOWza, you've been busy!
    These are totally FABulous!

  6. "Did you ever know that you're my SHE-ROOOOOOOOOOOW!"


  7. Great class cards.
    I was always a little leary of cutting my stamps apart. I figured that SU made them how they wanted them to be used. As I expand my creativity {and borrow ideas from my talented PSFs} I cut up wheels and stamps all the time now.

  8. Fabulous designs, LeAnne! Your customers are so lucky!

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