

Thursday, October 1, 2009

There's the Rub

The Color Throwdown guest designer for last month, Kristin Beuter, is SUCH a sweetheart!  Not only is she an extremely talented "stamper", she is an all-around nice person!  She gifted me with some cute little autumn-hued rub-ons as well as some hand-crocheted flowers (which I am hoarding), but I did use the rub-ons to make a quick set of CAS notecards.  I used all different brands of DP, and assorted embellishments, so I can't give you all the details, but take a look:






So much fun matching up papers and patterns!  I left some of them blank for future use.....thanks so much, Kristin!  (Oops, forgot my watermark on these---oh well!).

Hey, if I am MIA for a few days, we are doing some painting/redecorating, so don't think I have fled the country or something!  I will try to keep up with some posting & commenting!  Take care!


  1. Hi Leanne! This cards are so pretty!! love those flowers you stamped! AGus

  2. Those are fantastic rub-ons! All of these cards are simply beautiful! :)

  3. These are such fun, LeAnne! Way to crank out a pile of fabulous cards! Sooo great to have these in your stash! Fab inspiration, as always!

    Hey! Go paint something! RELAX and enjoy: we'll be here when you get back! Best of luck with your projects, dear!

  4. What a fun set of cards! Good luck with the decorating!

  5. Oh boy - rub ons - more new toys I need to check out! Have fun painting and decorating! Will there be pictures when you're done? ~chris

  6. The flowers are great...I like the rubons. You did a wonderful job using them!

  7. What great cards.
    Good luck with the redecorating.

  8. OMGosh, cute-cute-cute!!! I am not a rub-on person... wasn't sure what I was going to do with the ones she sent me, but now I know I'm just gonna' CASE you!!! These are adorable!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!