

Monday, October 5, 2009

Have You Missed Me?

Darn, I have missed posting and stamping and showing off the goodies I have gotten in the mail, but TODAY my computer decided to get sick. So until I can get it fixed, I probably won't have anything to share.....hopefully I can get my Wednesday challenges posted on some family member's computer---DH's does not have photo software. Miss you guys---I am on the home stretch of my painting, too!


  1. Yes I have missed you, but I know when you are back at it there will be wonderful cards to look at. Sorry to hear about your sick computer. I hope it gets well soon.

  2. Yes, I noticed that you haven't posted lately, so I went on your website to see if I had somehow missed out. I confess that I spend more time online than I do stamping;)

  3. I miss you and can't wait for you to be back on line again!!!!

  4. Can't wait to see how everything turned out! Good luck with the computer problems too. ~chris

  5. Sometimes things happen for a reason, and although I know how frustrating it is when your pc doesn't work, perhaps this is giving you that much-needed time to complete that painting job you've been trying to finish?! I'll still be here whenever you get the problems resolved! TC and good luck!!

  6. Of course I have missed you LeAnne! I love to visit your blog and see what's going on. You always inspire me in some way.
    Miss you, Pennie

  7. I miss you posting too.
    I hope everything works out for you with the computer. (I know how anoying that can be)

  8. Hey, girl! Just take it easy and we'll be here when you're back online! :)


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