

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mercy, Another CTD61


I told Tammy that I loved her colors for the Color Throwdown #61 this week SO MUCH, that I wanted to do another card---and this time, I incorporated Mercy's Sketch 40 into my card.  Here is the sketch:


and this time, I used one of the sponsor's stamps, a Carolyn King set called Whimsical Autumn; she designed this set last year and the proceeds went to the Alzheimer's Association.  I also pulled out some retired bits of DP that I always think I'll use, and I actually used them!  Here ya go:


Since I was still in that watercoloring mood, I pulled out my Watercolor Crayons....they give a different effect, especially on Kraft paper, but I liked the rustic feel they gave to the design.  I added a couple leaves as accents, along with a corduroy brad,  and I was done!  This will make a nice thank you, thinking of you, or even a birthday card!  Thanks for looking today!


  1. Love how you've used Mercy's sketch, especially with the feeling of a pull tag. SO cute!

  2. This is super cute, LeAnne!! Love that apple basket and your DP is perfect!

  3. This is a very pretty card, LeAnne! I too like the look that watercolor crayons give on Kraft cardstock. Fabulous sketch as well!

  4. I agree with Christine, Barbara and Wendy. I love how soft everything looks. Love, love, love it. Thanks so much for all of your postings.

  5. leanne...this is gorgeous! love those colors for the throwdown, and your tag is spectacular! amazing job!

    thanks for playing along with my sketch for this week! :)


  6. Oh this is so pretty LeAnne! I need to pull that set out and use it too! Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. LEANNE!!! This is absolutely adorable! I LOVE it!!!!!!!

  8. very pretty. love it

  9. I love that color combo too, and I really like how you added the tab punch and corduroy button on this one! I need to pull that punch out and use it more often!! Beautiful card, very creative!

  10. Hi LeAnne, did you create this great sketch? I love it. You did such a beautiful job of this card. The little details on it, is so awesome!
    Thank you so much for sharing such an amazing card.
    I would like to try this sketch, would that be okay?

  11. Yummmm! LeAnne, this is scrumptious! {Something tells me that a picnic with you would be a whole lotta fun!} Glad to see you tantalizing us some more with these fabulous colors! Yipee! Great fun, zesty, fabulously colored, and professionally executed inspiration, m'dear! YEE HAW!

  12. Wonderful card. I love the basket and apples.

    Linda D.

  13. Thanks for leaving me a comment LeAnne! I love your tag and apple image - so cute! And I must try out Watercolor Crayons - so vibrant!

  14. Hi LeAnne I just love this card. Such pretty colors.
    Have a great weekend!!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!