

Monday, June 1, 2009

Wacky Wild Card

I feel as if I have been away for a long time....not really, but it was a very busy weekend (again); my brother's stepdaughter got married and the reception was at his home, right behind mine, on our family's farm property.  It was beautiful--and emotional--but maybe I'll share about that later.  I have had this card partially completed, sitting on my desk, and I finally got enough energy to finish it.  I was really just sort of fooling around....not something I'd want to enter in a contest of any sort, but kooky enough to send to a friend whose birthday is coming up soon!


This is one of those cool folding cards; you can see how to make it on SCS here; and you can see it unfolded here:


Here are a couple other views:

DSCF4250 DSCF4252



It really is a very cool-looking card!  This birthday guy is so low-key, he'll need sunglasses for this thing!  No glitter, though....that would be a no-no for him!  The base is from some textured Pacific Point I discovered I hadn't used yet; added a mix and match of BG's Marrakesh and stamped some little birthday images from some inexpensive clear stamps in Kiwi Kiss, Pacific Point and Tangerine Tango, punched them out and mounted them.  I am really annoyed with my SU punches--they are not punching cleanly, even after "sharpening" them on a soda can.  Grrr....any hints?

Thanks for looking!  Hopefully my mojo and energy will return!


  1. Too cool! The fold and the papers are awesome!

  2. WOW!!!
    That's one wild card, bet it's go'in to a fun guy.
    After sharpening I punch a couple of times with wax paper to kinda lube them. Just a suggestion :-)

  3. What an amazing card! I love those papers too, some of my favourites. Thanks for visiting my blog and furbabies!

  4. Woo Hoo, this is so good. I love the colours and papers and just everthing.

  5. This card is just fabulous! Your fooling around to make a card is just amazing, too bad it wasn't for a contest.

  6. wow!!!so cool!! might try it someday...
    I also heard about sharpening a punch on aluminum foil. never tried it myself, tho.

  7. Fun card, sometimes it just fun to play around and see what you can come up with.

  8. This is awesome LeAnne! Love that fancy fold and the fun colors! Looking forward to cruising with you! ;-)

  9. This is really cool! I love the wild colors and patterns!

  10. Awesome job with your tri-shutter!! I love your colors and papers!! ;)

  11. Just the coolest card!! Love the layout, and those DP's rock... and all the finishing touches just works so well together!! With the low energy you had sure produced a SURGE OF ENERGY for me!! LOVE IT! :)

  12. Fun card!
    My circle punches were not 'cutting it' (ha), the handles were catching and everything. So I did the pop can thing and they have been dreamy ever since.

  13. Ohhhhhhh this is an awesome card, girl! WOW, I just LOVE IT!!!

    As far as sharpening the punches...I tried the soda can thing too....did NOTHING! I finally broke down and just bought another punch. Every now & then I do sit and punch them with alum. foil to help keep them sharp. Sorry I wasn't much help.

    Have a great day!

  14. I love all the designer paper you used on yours, its very colourful and such a fun card!!

  15. LOL OK, I need a break... I read "Tacky Wild Card" when I first looked at this post, and thought "What? This isn't tacky at all!" DUH! This is amazing, LeAnne! What an awesome project!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!