

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Just Bee-cause


I had a lovely evening, spent with my daughter watching The Secret Life of Bees.  I really do love bees--I love their sound, their function, I love beehives, honey, but not when they begin to make their home in MY home....but that's another story.  And although I liked the movie, I liked the book much better!  Anyway, I thought it was quite funny that we watched this movie right after I had made THIS card:


This is a new stamp called The Bee List from Cornish Heritage Farms, designed by Julia Stainton, and I loved it from the minute I saw her sample, so I treated myself to it (and a few others).  I couldn't wait to match it up with some lovely BG Porcelain paper.  I gulped and added that big lovely satin bow and a few little sweet buttons from my stash, and honestly, this was one of the fastest cards I ever made!!!  All the images were watercolored and the shading is from a sponge dauber.

And just a little braggin' on my DD and her pup Chase:



Did you ever see such ears?  He is such a cutie! 

Thanks for stopping by!




  • Stamps:  The Bee List, CHF
  • Paper:  Naturals White, Porcelain, BG
  • Ink:  Stazon, Cert Celery, Pirouette Pink, So Saffron
  • Acc:  Aquapainter, Sponge Dauber, Ribbon, Glue Dots


  1. Ohhhh, my is this ever pretty! I adore the colors, the ribbon, the buttons!

    And, yes, I have seen such ears--my dog's part Corgi, and her ears are impossibly big for her sweet little head! ;)

  2. Cute card and gorgeous bow, LeAnne and your daughter is just beautiful! And that doggie is too cute! What magnificent ears!

  3. Love that CHF image!

    Your daughter is beautiful...and yes, those ears on Chase are just adorable. Heee! Makes me giggle. Our German Shepherd has huge ears too...he never seemed to grow into them or something, LOL!

  4. What a fabulous card--I love when they come together like that. I also love that movie, and will have to read the book....among 100 others on my summer reading list!

  5. Cute as a button! And I love the big satin bow. Awesome job at tying it.

    Cute dog too!


  6. Wow, this card is gorgeous! I love your soft watercoloring and the luscious bow! Adorable stamp!

    Your daughter is beautiful and Chase is super cute! I LOVE those ears!!!

  7. What a gorgeous card! Love the soft colors!!!

  8. What a beautiful card. I love that huge bow, the bee trails, all of it!
    Dana has a beautiful smile and a super adorable dog!

  9. FAb card, looks gorgeous, and as for that dog.... sooooooo adorable! such huge ears! but totally cute

  10. I just love that beautiful card - the dd and her pup are beyond cute! ~chris

  11. Oh my gosh, that bow is to die for! What a gorgeous card - I love all the buttons too!
    Your DD has the greatest smile and beautiful eyes, and Chase's ears are better to hear with!!! Did I mention I love dogs too?!

  12. Okay, jess kiddin ... but your DD IS beautiful! Ears and all ... LOL! And the dog is adorable, too!

    LOVE this card ... so cute! And I've been eyeing that terrific stamp too ... right on my 'wish' list it goes!

  13. This is just the cutest! How cool is this! And the movie....I read the book first which I loved and then saw the movie. Glad you got to see it with your daughter...btw she's gorgeous :)

  14. Super cute card LeAnne!! Soft colors, CUTE buttons and such a yummy ribbon for sure... SO INSPIRING!

    And those ears! I'd love to give a little scratch and cuddle... so adorable! :)

  15. OH I LOVE THIS!!! SO, so beautiful! You know I love your coloring....and your daughter is lovely---what a treat for us to get to see her! Thanks for sharing her---and her pup! Our dog's ears do the same thing---what a hoot!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!