

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Special Tweet


I am busily preparing for my downline meeting this weekend, PLUS a yard sale (why do I plan things this way??!), so I don't have anything to share yet today, but I did receive this wonderfully sweet card from Heidi!  Isn't it incredible?


Look at all these details!  She and her friend Carol share a blog called My Little need to check it out, they have lots of creative creations!  THANKS, Heidi!  My day was happier when I received this!  I may have time to post later, if not, see ya tomorrow!


  1. Oh my gosh that is adorable!!! Now get back to preparing for that yardsale!!

  2. Oh this card is just too sweet. I have my eye on you. *raises one eyebrow* LOL I like the colors for the throw down this week. Nice choice. But knowing me I'll probably struggle with at least one of the colors even though I like them all! lol Time to get buzy *winks*...tee hee... Saz

  3. Oh my, this is totally gorgeous!!!

  4. Great card. i love how you created the card, very eye catching, very unique.


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