

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Gone Digital!

When I checked Mandy Sarver's blog (CTD's guest stamper this month) I found FREE digital stamps!  I have never tried these, although I have seen them on Tammy's and others' blogs, so I decided to try it--she has a challenge, too, and you could win some free digi images!  So be sure to go check it out!  So here is my first attempt at using digital stamps:


Here is her sketch, too:

TDSSC1 The cool thing about these images is that you can make them any size you want!  I played around using the few Copics that I have, and although I would have liked to have used different greens, all in all, I think it turned out okay.  I used some retired SU Groovy Guava and DP,  but the sentiment, oval scallop and the luscious satin ribbon are all from the new Occasions mini!  I also accented it with some Kaiser pearls.

I also got some other free images (again, on Mandy's site) and made a fun birthday card:

DSCF3797 This card uses some DCWV Glitter Stack Mat Pack, some retired SU DP, and other assorted SU papers.  Polka dots are from PTI; sentiment is a dollar stamp.  The image was colored with Copics and glitterized with some Dazzling Diamonds!  I was really just playing around and was not planning on using this for anything, but it turned out fairly well, and I can always use a birthday card!  This paper is all glittery IRL, too bad it doesn't show up here!  TFL!


  1. Your cards are awesome! I love your choice of color too. Good luck with the contest.

  2. Ooh, this card is just gorgeous! I love those flowers and your colors are wonderful! The icecream cone is very sweet too!!

  3. Oh wow - Great job with the sketch and images. I love your style. Thanks for playing along with us!

  4. Love the sketches and the colors and the accessories you chose and everything you have here.

  5. Hmmm...digi images, interesting! Your card is very pretty love that afternoon tea dsp and such a great layout with this beautiful flower image. tfs :)

  6. Great cards, the ice cream one looks good enought to eat :) Have fun with your digi images.

    Oh...I might be in your area on Saturday...I think we might head to Longwood Gardens for the day. Have you been there yet this year?

    Have a great day!

  7. Beautiful cards LeAnne! I'm loving the colors!! That ice cream cone sure looks yummy!! :) TFS!

  8. Excellent cards!!! The flower card is lovely and I love the glittery ice cream cone on the second one!

  9. These are two awesome cards! Don't you miss groovy guava? I love that color. Thanks for such a nice comment on my blog, you are so sweet!

  10. Awesome cards,lady!!! Thanks for playing with us!!!

  11. WoWzA, these are gorgeous!! Love the colors you chose ... great sketch, too! You totally rocked it!

  12. These are both fab! The pearls, ribbon, and colors on the first one are SO pretty, and the ice cream card is just plain sparkly fun!

  13. Super CUTE! Both of these cards are so sweet... :) You did an AWESOME JOB with your "Going Digital" attempt!! Fun challenge too... The DP in the second card I have and now I must PLAY! You did your job... He! Smiles LeAnne! :)

  14. Both cards are great, LeAnne! The papers and colors on the first one are beautiful and I'm LOVIN' that ice cream cone!

  15. Both of your cards a fantastic LeAnne! Love the digi images you picked - I have never tried using them.

  16. Very pretty! You did great with the Copics!

  17. This is beautiful! I would have never guessed that you were new to digis. Thank you for playing along with us at TDS, your work is so soft and pretty, and your ice cream card is yummy indeed!

  18. Great Cards. thanks for playing along


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