

Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Mix it Up


Finally!  The sun is shining here in SE PA, the birds are chirping, I have my window open a tiny little bit--it actually feels like spring!  (I even took my picture outside!)  So for today's No Time to Stamp Challenge #80 from Sharon, which is to mix stripes or dots along with another print or pattern, I chose some cute little spring tulips.  What fun!  This card is just full of blog candy goodness! 


The image, the PTI floral paper and the button are all various blog candy yummies!  The polka dots is PTI's Polka Dots Basics, which I felt I had to have and have hardly used.  I love clear stamps but sometimes I feel they are intimidating to me;  they "wiggle" and sometimes I get fuzzies on them that I can't seem to clean off.  I guess I need to give them a bath, as Mishmash recommended.  Anyone who can give me some tips on that, feel free to respond!  Anyway, for the first time, I don't think I did too bad aligning it...just need some more practice.  I added some sparkle to the tulips with my Sakura Gelly Roll pen, too!  Hope it cheers you up!  Enjoy your day!

  • Stamps:  Essential Sentiment, MFT; Polka Dot Basics, PTI; Spring Image from Studio G
  • Paper:  WW, Pink Passion, Green Galore, Raspberry Fizz Mix, PTI
  • Ink:  Pink Passion, Palette Noir, Green Galore
  • Acc:  Markers, Nesties, Gelly Roll pen, Button, Embroidery Floss, Big Shot Buttons Die, Daubers, Dimensionals


  1. This is such a fun, springy card LeAnne! LOVE it!! These colors are awesome together. You know I'm a pink girl!! ;o)

  2. Great card...I love the springy colors, I like how you mixed the patterns.

  3. What fun bright colors!! I love this!! The button is a wonderful touch to!! :) TFS!

  4. ooooh love this beautiful card and papers :)

  5. This card is eye-catching! Love the bright springy colors, mix of patterns and the layout! Terrific card anyone would love to receive! Smiles, Pam :)

  6. This is beautiful! I love the color scheme and all the polka dots :)

  7. This is so pretty! I LOVE it! What a brilliant, delightful, wonderful design! The color is SWEET!

  8. Love this LeAnne! I'm going to have to invest in those Big Shot Button Dies! What an awesome accent! Fantastic card! :D

  9. It's very cheery! Love the bright colors... it wakes me up and I need it right now! Love the square, too! I don't see you do that very often!

  10. just wanted to let you know we've mentioned you on our blog for inspiring us!

  11. Totally spring LeAnne, bright, cheerful and pretty.

  12. What a bright cheery card! Love the sentiment embellishment. I'm in hoard mode with my PTI paper and really need to just break it out and USE it! ~chris


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!