

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Angels Among Us

I got a chance to stamp a little bit last night and today, in bits and pieces!  I got some new DP from K & Co with some Christmas money, and I was itching to make a card with it:


DSCF2803 Unfortunately, I am in need of several get-well cards, so this one will start me out!  It uses a neglected Inque Boutique set called Stitch Fun (I just found out that Inque Boutique is not available where I used to purchase it, so not sure if it is still available at all!) along with PTI's Paper Tray. The image is stamped on Shimmery White in Stazon and watercolored; the border is stamped in Garden Green.  I added a scalloped oval around the image and sponged and pierced it.  It is the reverse side of the plaid paper---it is so hard to decide which side to use!  I added some Mellow Moss ribbon and it was done!  Oh, I added a few Stickles to the center of the design as well.

My next card, which just wouldn't cooperate, is from a very old SU set called Country Angel.  This ended up being totally different than what I had planned, and I am really not that happy with it, but it's done & that's that:


I did not plan on cutting out my little angel; the sentiment DSCF2812 is not centered over her, and I just don't like the heart at the bottom.  I am thrilled that I got to use a new Crafty Secrets set (that I won!!!) called Home Sweet Home.  That is where the sentiment and the little scroll are from.  I won some other goodies that I am sure you'll be seeing soon!  The paper is from BG's Urban Prairie, as is the brad.  My angel is watercolored, and her wings are twinkled with Twinkling H20's.  I paper pieced the bird & nest, and her wings are popped up on dimensionals.  Anyway, the reason I chose an angel card is that I shared on someone's blog (can't remember who!) a story about my daughter and her Willow Tree angel collection.  My friend Elaine wanted to know the story too, so here it is! 

You may remember I posted that my daughter Dana lost the house she was renting with her boyfriend to a fire a few months ago.  They were able to salvage a few things, and her boyfriend brought her the Willow Tree angels she had collected, and said, "Honey, I'm really sorry.  I tried to save your angels, but the wings burned off.  There is just wire left."  Dana started to laugh and said, "That's okay, honey.  They're supposed to be that way!"  What a wonderful thing, to be able to laugh in the midst of a terrible loss.  As an update, the house has been rebuilt and they are moving in this week!  It is much nicer than it was before, so that is a blessing!

Well my post is way too long, so if you want any recipes, let me know!  Have a WONDERFUL new year--stay happy and healthy and don't drink and drive!


  1. Beautiful cards LeAnne, and I'm so happy for your daughter! Happy New Year! :)

  2. These are both just precious! I really LOVE the angel's totally adorable and it all looks great! (Sentiment looks centered to me!) What a great story about your daughter...sounds like she's got a good man there too. I wish all of you a very happy new year and my God bless you with happiness and good health throughout the year! ((Hugs))

  3. It is very nice angel!!! I very much to like village style!!! And this story about your daughter touch my heart!!! God bless you my dear sister

  4. These are darling cards! You should be thrilled with them especially the angel's adorable!

    Happy New Year1


  5. What beautiful cards!! Happy New Year!!

  6. Precious cards!! Your colors are soft and have a country feel. I love them! I'm glad life is working out for you daughter getting back into the house... And NEW!! Michelle :)

  7. I'm like you when I look at one of MY cards and it's "just not right" and I don't know what's wrong. Let me give it a guess: The angel seems too HIGH and leaves too much space below her. Therefore, the space should be shorter, or a LARGER piece should be beneath her to fill the area. whatcha think?

  8. Awesome cards, LeAnne! I love the country/homespun feel of both of them, and I don't see anything wrong with the angel card!

    What a precious story of your daughter and boyfriend! How sweet, and glad they're back to getting settled again!

  9. These cards are gorgeous! Lovely colors. Funny story about your daughter's angels!


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