

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

To You From Me

Just a quick post---Kristina Werner posted her challenge colors already, and I haven't done one in a while, so I thought I'd give it a shot.  But somewhere along the line, my mojo got left behind....everything seems a struggle!  Here are her colors:


I tried a technique from SCS where you apply ink to your CB folder, then emboss....seemed like a good one for this challenge, but it ended up looking sort of muddy....but I didn't feel like redoing it, so here it is:


Just a funny little card, I'll probably use it as a birthday card.  I do like the owl, he's cute.  TFL!K Werner 11-11-08 challenge closeup

  • Stamps:  Making the Grade, CHF; Halloween, Hero Arts; Best Yet, SU
  • Paper:  Sahara Sand, WW, Certainly Celery, Haiku DP
  • Ink:  Craft White, Old Olive
  • Acc:  White Gel Pen, Dimensionals, Aquapainter, Wide Oval Punch, Brad, CB Swiss Dots


  1. Absolutely adorable! I love the mix of patterns and textures going on!

  2. Lovely card LeAnne I love the polka dots! ~Donna

  3. I would love to see when you have found your mojo, this is terrific

  4. Great card and color combo! I would never have thought to put those colors together but they look terrific. I really like how you added the sentiment on the oval too. Great idea!

  5. omg!!! Love this! That cute little owl and that awesome green hues. Adorable!

  6. Cute little owl. In the picture the card does not look muddy at all, it looks perfect.


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