

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Color Throwdown Challenge #21-Double!

CTD21 banner

Today is Broni's turn for the Color Throwdown Challenge, and she has picked some more lovely fall colors for us to use:

CTD21 swatch

My first card was not q-u-i-t-e what I was hoping for, so I made two!  Here is the second one, with which I am much happier:


I used a sketch from Sunflower Studio, turned on its side--of course!  And I used some more of my Martha Stewart glitters.  I just wish I had stamped my little reindeer a little more in a straight line!    And I wish the picture did it justice, it is so pretty IRL!  The snowflake was spray-glued and also glittered with some MS glitter!  So here is my first card:


This is my first attempt with Whippersnapper stamps--they are very cute, just take a little different pressure while stamping than what I am used to.  I think this is a little busy, but it will be a good friendship/birthday card!  Hey, remember to post a link to your own CTD creation at our blog, Color Throwdown Challenge, or if you post to an online gallery, use the keyword CTD21.  Let's see what the other designers came up with:

Reindeer card :

  • Stamps:  Winter Post, Season's Greetings (ret SU), Vintage Christmas, CS
  • Paper:  Sage Shadow, WW, Really Rust, Chocolate Chip, Autumn Vine DP
  • Ink:  Versamark, Chocolate Chip, Craft White
  • Acc:  MS Glitter, Nesties, Scallop Edge Punch, 1/16" punch, MS Snowflake Punch, Mike's Ribbon, SU Chocolate Chip Ribbon, Glitter Dots, Heat & Stick Powder, Heat Tool, Sponge Dauber

Doggie card:

  • Stamps:  Good Dog, Whippersnapper
  • Paper:  Confetti White, Really Rust, Chocolate Chip, Autumn Vine Dp
  • Ink:  Basic Brown, Really Rust, Chocolate Chip
  • Acc:  Aquapainter, Dimensionals, Designer Label Punch, Nesties, Grosgrain Ribbon, Dimensionals, Oval Punch


  1. Love this color combo--great picks!

  2. They're both adorable!!! Love that glitter on those reindeers!

  3. LeAnne, you rocked this challenge, girlfriend!! I love how you made this into a Christmas card and I love the doggy card--and no, it's NOT too busy!! They're both perfect!!!

  4. I love BOTH of your cards!! The glittery deer are fabulous!!! And that dog with the cute background stamping is adorable!

  5. OMGosh LeAnne...I love both cards too!! They are just so stinkin cute! TFS

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. I love 'em both! The deer card is beautiful, and I love all your details! And the doggie card is so cute! I'll have to look into those stamps... might be cute for when Kelsey needs to send a card to someone!

  7. very pretty leanne! i'm a big fan of the tcp sketch! wink!

  8. They are both wonderful!! But, the first one just made me shout "beautiful" out loud!!! Every detail is so perfect-the ribbon, the reindeer, the border, the snowflake...its all gorgeous!

  9. Your Deer card is Beautiful. Love the snowflake~!!!!!

  10. Don't you just love these colors!!! You made a fabulous card!!

  11. Loooove the three different sparkly colored reindeer. So cool!

    Happy Turkey Day, LeAnne! :)

  12. Hi LeAnne :-)

    Love your Reindeer, they look great in MS Glitter!

  13. Great colors, your cards are very pretty too!

    Happy Thanksgiving,

  14. I LOVE your reindeer card! It's very simple & classy.

  15. Beautiful cards -- love the top one -- the colors are GORGEOUS! :)

  16. Wow! Gorgeous card and wonderful colors too. Great job...thanks for taking on the challenge, LeAnne!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!