

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Busy Weekend!

Elaine's closeup cropped

Wow, what a busy weekend, and no time for stamping!  My sister flew up from South Carolina for an impromptu visit and normally she spends a lot of time with friends and crashes at our home.  This time we got to spend lots of time together!  I was so glad she came though; the weather was perfect here in PA and it was raining at her house!!  Here is  some of what we did:

  • Ran errands and visited friends
  • Visited my daughter at her new job & bought flowers (she just took a position as a floral manager at a grocery store)
  • Went out to breakfast
  • Went to Annapolis MD; she did sightseeing, DH & I went to the Sailboat Show
  • Had lunch & shared an ENORMOUS dish of mint chocolate chip ice cream
  • Had my dad for dinner
  • Had the rest of the family for dessert
  • Went yard-sale-ing
  • Went for a sailboat ride
  • Went to a big dinner at the Italian American club where DH entered his homemade wine in the wine-making contest, and we all ate way too much food

A crazy weekend, but lots of fun.  So the only things I have to share are a couple of wonderful cards I got in the mail one day---not sure which day, it was so crazy!   This one is from Elaine--we have become blog friends across the country!  It is exquisite and I love the sweet sentiment:   "Wherever you are, it is your friends who make your world":

Elaine's card

The next one is from my upline Pennie.  This is so sweet & simple--I love it!  Less is more, I think:

Pennie's thank you

And last, but not least......a stamped a card Thursday night for Kristina Werner's challenge this week, but never got a chance to post it....just too busy!  So here it is anyway, for you to enjoy.  Maybe next week, although it is looking pretty hectic from here!!

10-08-08 Challenge

  • Stamps:  PTI Mixed Messages
  • Paper:  So Saffron, Basic Grey Two Scoops, K&Co Small Wonders Boy
  • Ink:  Ruby Red
  • Acc:  Mike's Ribbon, Button Dies, Daubers, White Gel Pen, Nesties

Thanks for visiting!


  1. What beautiful cards you received - and I love your KWarner card with the faux buttons - super job on that!

  2. Hi LeAnne -

    Can you tell me where I can purchase the button dies that you used on your last card?

    Thank you.

  3. Beautiful cards to be on the receiving end of! Love your KWerner colour challenge and sweet and a perfect combination of colours!


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!