

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Some RAKs and Awards!

Before I show my goodies, I want to let everyone know that my great stampin' friend Shawn, FINALLY got a blog!  Her work has been a source of inspiration and awe to me for as long as I have known her!  So be sure to check it out and leave her some encouraging comments, as I know she is busy and her time is stretched!!!  You can find it here.  While blurfing last night, I came across another great blog from a stamper named Stacey.  You can find HER blog here.  One of my plans today is to do her inspiration challenge--a beautiful necklace in blues!  Can't wait!

While I was on blogging "vacation" I got some beautiful RAKs as well as several awards!  Wow!  You guys are just awesome! 


I received this Blogging Friends Forever award from both Tammy and Kim!  Please be sure to check out their blogs because I constantly get wonderful ideas from both of them.  I don't know how they do all they do!


This award came from NellieMaeii, who is such a sweetie--her creations really bring a smile to my face!


And Haylie gave me this award!  She always plays our Color Throwdown Challenges and really has some cute, fresh ideas!  Who wouldn't love a blog named "P is for Pink"!!!!

Since trying to pass the awards along would be a little daunting, I am passing them along to EVERYONE!  There isn't a stamper/crafter out there who doesn't have something I can learn!   If you want to play, here are the basic rules:

1. Post the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate 5 other worthy bloggers.
4. Add links to their blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

Thanks again girls!

Now for my RAKs:

RAK from Dana Diamond Fold Card

This is a diamond-fold card from Dana--you can see another one here.  You'll have to scroll down a bit to see it.  I think I forgot to put the ribbon back on--she had some pretty ribbon tied around it!  The original idea came from Tracy in New Zealand!  Here is what it looks like when it is unfolded:

RAK from Dana open

I love the earthy colors she used! 

And here is a beauty from one of my fellow Rubber Dubbers, Janice:

RAK from Janice

I love how she sponged the background within the circle--what  a great idea.  Both cards really lifted my spirits!  Thanks, Janice and Dana!

Going to try to get some stamping done today---where does the time go?!  I'll try to post again later!


  1. Beautiful RAK cards, LeAnne! They would have definitely brightened my day!

    Thanks for giving us more blogs to go check out..I enjoyed checking both out! :)

    Have a great day!

  2. Hey Girlie! Thanx so much for giving my blog a "shout out"!! haha! I already got a super nice comment from Wendy. {{Hugs to Wendy!!}} I've really been enjoying blogging so far. It can really take up your entire day if you let it!

    Thanx again for your support and friendship! You are amazing!!! ~smo


Thanks so much for your comments! I love hearing from you! If you have a question, please be sure to include an email address so I can respond to you quickly!