

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Can See the Light.....

at the end of the tunnel.  It's been a long week that started last Wednesday.  I haven't checked anybody's blog, I haven't looked at any challenges on SCS or anywhere else for that matter.  People are creating wonderful creations all over blogland and I have seen nary a one!  Tomorrow is my Christmas Card stamp camp and then I can breathe!  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE doing my stamp camps!  I just overbooked the rest of my life!

There, now that I have had that little "whine" with my cheese, I'll show you one little card I made for a club hostess (Hi Janet):

Hostess Thank You 9-22-08

It uses a Kraft base and the new Autumn Vine DP that will be available October 1 from the new Holiday Mini--lots of good stuff in there!  Pocket Silhouettes was stamped in More Mustard, Chocolate Chip & Pumpkin pie on Confetti White, and sponged around the edges.  I used a button cut from the Big Shot die-cut (so cute), added some linen thread and Chocolate Chip ribbon, and my sentiment from All Holidays, and it's done.  I forgot to photograph it, but I  stamped the little stems on the inside too!

I also got an award from my crazy friend Dana:

spanish blog award Now, she swears this is a good award.  I didn't know what it said, it's in Spanish obviously, and she said, "It's Portuguese for:    "This blog invests and believes in,  proximity"  [meaning, that blogging makes us 'close' -being close through proxy]."  Okay, I think that is good!  I know I would never have met her except through blogging and she is always an encouragement to me, as well as making me laugh!!!  Just a disclaimer---her blog is not for the faint of heart!  Enter at your own risk!!!

Tomorrow is Color Throwdown Challenge Wednesday--so check back in to see what those lovely ladies have come up with, and so YOU can play too!  It's our twelfth one!  See ya then!


  1. OMGosh, I LOVE those die-cut buttons! Very sweet design, LeAnne!

  2. Very pretty...I love the simplicity of this card but yet it's so eye popping.

  3. Another stunning card. I love Pocket Silhouettes. The little buttons are such a cute addition, and keeps this card 'mailable'


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