

Friday, June 20, 2008

No Stampin' Today?

I may not get any stamping done today as I have lots to do and stamp club tonight! So I thought I would just share some photos from my backyard. Enjoy your weekend!

June Day 3 lighter

Just a view of our little cozy porch...see Pumpkin surveying her "domain"!

June Day 4 Geraniums

I love pink geraniums....this is probably the best they'll look all season. I did not inherit my family's green thumb!


This is Gary, of the couple Gary and Greta. They have a condominium that spans the area under above-shown porch and my husband's work shed.

Male hummer closeup

This is a little male hummer who visits our feeders.

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Great pics!!...beautiful porch, very pretty pink geraniums (I don't have much luck with those), and GREAT shot of the hummingbird. Love hummingbirds! Enjoy your day!

  2. WOW, I love your porch and would love to come over and sit on the rocking chairs, chat and sip lemonade! How pretty!

  3. I'm so jealous! I love your porch! I really miss my front porch from our old house. It was always fun to decorate in the summer. "Gary" is quite handsome, but my dog better not come visit or Gary and Greta will be history! :)

  4. Have you noticed fewer hummingbirds this year? I'm not sure where you live. Maybe your state is full of them, but Indiana has a drought of hummers.

    Love your home and yard. We don't have groundhogs though.. darn, I'm jealous!

  5. Your porch looks so cozy! Thanks for showing that! I love to see pieces of my blog "friends" lives! TFS~

  6. WOW, great pics! What a beautiful place to sit and relax. Your flowers are gorgeous! :) Wish I had a porch like that to sit on! Very nice!


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