

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mommy Said You Shouldn't Use the Word "Hate"

.....but that really describes how I feel about these two cards I just spent all afternoon trying to create!  I have not done a challenge for a while, and I usually like the color challenges.  Even when I don't like them, I don't say anything because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.   But as my mom would make me say, "I don't care for today's Color Challenge."  So  that being said, here are my cards (the first one was so bad I tried another) and all I will say is that everything is SU except the flower & sentiment on the first card, which are both from Stampendous.  And that it uses the Sketch Challenge from Mojo Monday #37.  And that the second card is a CASE from leslierich done with Versamark and pastels.  And that's all, folks!!

06-10-08 Challenge 1

06-10-08 Challenge 2


  1. You know the saying that "we are our own worst critic." Well, you are being too hard on yourself. These are super cards. I agree that the color challenge was a real tough one to work with. But both cards are super!!

  2. I know what you mean when you don't like a challenge BUT let me say that your cards are wonderful! Don't be so hard on yourself! You did a good job and they are both cute!

  3. very pretty cards, I like the bright and cherry colors that you used.

  4. I missed seeing yesterday's color challenge! These are wonderful LeAnne! Your designs are always so well thought out and beautifully done! :D


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