

Friday, May 16, 2008

Card Positioning System Challenge

I noticed that CPS has a challenge where they are giving away a Scor-Pal!! I do not have one of these but my friend Kim assures me I need one!! LOL! So why not head over there and submit your entry? Maybe you'll win!! (I never do!) Anyway, I needed a card for the hostess packet I carry with me when I do need to be prepared if someone wants to book a party! It has a wish list, invites, info about SU, etc. as well as a card, so this is the card I made since I have a workshop tonight. I apologize for the poor photo--it is dreary, dark & rainy here in SE Pennsylvania today! I have a busy day, so this is short & sweet! TFL & have a great weekend!
Stamps: Enjoy Every Moment, Spunky Spots Jumbo Wheel, Little Pieces, Short & Sweet
Paper: Summer Picnic DP, Bashful Blue, WW
Ink: Bashful Blue, Cert Celery, Stazon Black
Acc: Pretties, Gingham Ribbon, Brad, Dimensional, Coluzzle, Corner Rounder


  1. oh how pretty! so glad you joined in at the cps blog. love those flowers! hope you keep coming back- we'd love to see more of your takes on the sketches!

  2. Such a soft and pretty card...I love the flowers! Great job with the CPS sketch...thanks for playing this week!


  3. How pretty! I love this! I love checking back daily to see what you have new :)

    And by the way you do need a scor-pal! hehe

  4. I just love that flowered paper and you did such a neat job with the CPS sketch!

  5. Oh, YES you NEED the Scor-Pal! My fingers are crossed that you WIN! Also, LOVE the card :-)

  6. your card is so cute. love how you used the sketch. great job.

  7. Wonderful card. Love the center medallion with the flower. Good luck at your workdshop.

  8. Oh, nicely done! I love your card. Such pretty colors and flowers.

  9. Your card still looks lovely even in the dreary light! Love the colours - very pretty.

  10. This is so pretty LeAnne! I love the colors on this - I keep forgetting to check CPS - it is so helpful when trying to make a card!

  11. WOW beautiful card, love the pretty colours.

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