

Monday, March 31, 2008

Some Talented Stampers!

Yesterday I had a downline meeting with my fellow "Wee-Inkers"! We have these meetings four times a year--we talk about business, demo new techniques, give each other tips and helps, talk about new products, and of course, we stamp! I am continually amazed at the talent these girls possess! Our swap challenge was to make a card that was not a regular card size. These are the beauties "my" girls came up with! In the next couple days I will show you the make and takes we did as well!
I hope you enjoy them and are inspired by them too!


  1. Hey there, LeAnne:

    Just want you to know I love your blog: I see some cards I havent seen on SCS, so this was a good opportunity to see more of what makes you a very special person and creator!

    You've really got some beautiful cards here, LeAnne. Love them all.

  2. what a bunch of great cards! such inspiration! thanks for sharing them!

  3. What great cards! Lots of inspiration there! LaurieF


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