

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Another Challenge, Another Thoughts of You....

This card fulfills two SCS challenges here and here. It is fun to do these challenges because you don't have to reinvent the wheel, or maybe I should say card....someone else has come up with idea, you just sort of fill in the blanks! I am sending this to a dear sweet lady in our church who has been having health issues and hasn't been able to attend lately, and I wanted to let her know we were thinking of her. The background is retired French Script, stamped in Very Vanilla; the flower from Touch of Nature is watercolored with my aquapainters and reinkers. I seem to be doing a lot of watercoloring lately, and that set lends itself well to that technique. I am lovin' the little sentiments from My Favorite Things, called Essential Sentiments. Lots of good ones in that set! Enjoy!
Stamps: Touch of Nature, French Script (ret), Essential Sentiments (MFT)
Paper: Kraft, Watercolor, Basic Black
Ink: Stazon, Ruby Red, Bravo Burgundy, Summer Sun, More Mustard, Old Olive
Acc: Aquapainters

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